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Tips For Having A Stress Free Pregnancy

If you're pregnant, you should do your best to avoid or eliminate stress as much as possible. After all, stress can have a detrimental effect on the health and well being of you and your baby. In fact, current research shows that women who experience significant amounts of stress during pregnancy often have low birth weight babies and deliver prematurely. If that wasn’t scary enough, stressed out moms, also seem to give birth to babies that are more susceptible to respiratory ailments or developmental delays. Therefore, it is absolutely paramount that you eliminate as much stress as you possibly can during your pregnancy. In this brief article, we’ll teach you proven techniques to eliminate stress so that you too can have a stress free pregnancy.First of all, you must realize that pregnancy is a special and exciting time. After all, you are nourishing life and you must provide the baby with a stress free environment so that he can grow and thrive. By maintaining a positive attitude, you’ll set the stage for a happy baby. Therefore, don't let those little things annoy you. Instead, when you start getting agitated, overwhelmed or frustrated, take a deep breath and relax. Remember that you can’t let the little things get you down. Instead you have to focus on your healthy pregnancy and enjoy the moment.Second, make sure that you take some time for yourself every single day. That’s right. Make sure that you do something special for yourself. For instance, you can go to your favorite movie, get your hair or nails done or simply cuddle up with your favorite book. Do things that make you happy and content. This will keep the stress monster at bay!Third, make sure that you exercise moderately. Just like when you weren't pregnant, moderate exercise is a great stress reliever. It not only increases self esteem but it gives a wonderful boost to your endorphins and may have a positive effect on serotonin levels as well. Plus, researchers have consistently shown that women who exercise have less stress than those that don’t. Just be careful that you don’t overdo it. Keep it simple and never exercise without your doctor’s consent. Some great exercises include walking and swimming. The key to exercising is to find something that you enjoy and then do it!Fourth, enjoy delectable treats periodically as they seem to have a positive mood altering effect on the brain. This isn't to say that you should eat three pints of chocolate ice cream if you are craving chocolate. However, if you want some chocolate then have a couple of small pieces. Just remember to eat it in moderation. If you don’t indulge in delectable and you crave them, you could end up feeling irritably, crabby or frustrated and that is not healthy for the baby. So, enjoy a moderate amount of delectable treats occasionally and watch that stress drop.Fifth, if you're feeling stressed out about the baby because you can’t see him and don’t feel connected to him, you should try to connect with your little one on a spiritual level. Meditate and try and see your baby. Another option is to give yourself frequent belly rubs and even try to communicate with him that way. Another great way to establish a connection with your baby is to use a fetal doppler. These incredible machines are quite similar to an ultrasound and use sound waves to create audible tones from within the uterus. To use them, you put on a little ultrasound jelly, slide the probe against your belly and then you can monitor your baby 's heart rate. You can even start using them as early as the 12th week of pregnancy. By being able to hear your baby’s heart beat, you'll feel calmer and more relaxed and more connected to that little one inside you.Sixth, join a pregnancy support group. By joining a support group with other pregnant mothers, you can get support from other pregnant women. Just like you, these women are going through some of the same situations and are available to help you. In return, you may find that you can help them too! By communicating with them on a personal level, you'll feel less stressed out because you’ll realize that you are not alone and then you will more than likely enjoy your pregnancy.In conclusion, pregnancy is an important time for you and your baby. Although you will likely experience some stress, you should and can eliminate it by enjoying the moment, exercising moderately, enjoying some delectable treats, and joining a support group. By doing this, you'll find that your pregnancy can be a stress free and enjoyable time.
About the Author
Looking for a quality doppler to help you bond with your unborn baby? Don’t settle for cheap alternatives from unscrupulous retailers. Get the low-down on fetal dopplers. At http://www.dopplerfetal.net/, we provide pregnant clients with quality fetal doppler information so they can make informed decisions.

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